NOME诺米实体店货架 KKV简约货架

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  • 区 域:
    白云区 - 其它 - 广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家具城4楼
  • 联 系:
    18988937564 王经理
Such a rapid pace of expansion must be based on abundant capital flows. Therefore, some people in the industry worry that the model of famous products is an

unsustainable "big gamble".

NOME Shelf Founder Chen Hao has said that the famous "ten yuan shop" business model will fall.

He believes that the "ten-dollar shop" so that consumer demand in the short term has been released, but a pass "buy and buy" after the elimination The desire for

fee is falling rapidly, and the re-purchase rate is too low, making the performance gradually decline.

At the same time, a store radiation population is relatively fixed, after the short-term release of demand, the need to increase the price of customers to ensure

Long-term stability of sales. However, at a recent launch, NOME shelves also threw out "ambitious" expansion plans.

Chen Hao recently revealed that in 2018, NOME shelves plan to enter the domestic high-end shopping center

300 major shopping centers and community shopping centers, the second half of the year will launch overseas expansion plans, it is expected that by 2020, NOME

shelves will open 2000 stores in China, 1000 overseas, also plans to open independently
500 1500-6000 square meters user experience center. NOME shelves distinguish their model from the "ten-dollar store", calling it a "user-iterative business

model" that revolves around users.

Specifically, including

Improve the product price ratio, dominate product price setting through super order form, improve product premium power by strengthening product control system,

consumer research and product design; Crowd, analyze user needs, enhance user experience, etc.
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